Hello, My name is Ilia Sevostianov

Computer Vision Engineer

Entrust your project or task to the expert who will do it at the highest level and on time

Contact me

About me


I take part in programming and designing computer vision systems.

I already have the following projects in my piggy bank:

  • advanced driver-assistance systems (LDWS, LCA, ACC, TLR, TSR, etc);

  • CARLA simulation for autonomous vehicle functions development and testing;

  • Auto-deploy of services into the ego by using Ansible;

  • Implementation of circular bird-eye view for mobile robots;

  • 3D - to - 2D projection and vice versa for the objects;

  • Objects and lanes tracking for autonomous ego;

  • sensor data fusion, sensor intrinsics-and-extrinsics calibration;

  • UAV lane tracking;

  • UAV landing pad detection;

  • cup detection for barista manipulator;

  • ball detection and tracking for ping-pong manipulator;

  • car wash monitoring;

  • unmanned special purpose vehicles;

  • etc.

Working Area

Services I Provide

I offer the following services. If you have a different need, feel free to reach out to me.



Python, and C++.

Various tasks that need to be programmed.


Computer Vision

The development of computer vision systems.

  • OpenCV
  • Pytorch, TensorFlow, tensorRT
  • Nets Deployment, optimization
  • sensors selection, sensors calibration
  • Object Detection, Segmantion, Tracking
  • Multi-task neural networks
  • classical approaches, etc.
My Portfolio

Check Some of My Recent Work

System for monitoring the safety of workers on the railroads


See details
My Resume

My Expertises

Clicking on “Education” button you can see the universities, some courses I graduated.

Clicking on “Experiences” button you can find the list of jobs and big projects, competitions I was involved in.

nov, 2022 - nov, 2023

C++ Developer Specialization

Completed a year-long course in advanced C++ programming

jan, 2022

Sequence Models

Completed 5th course in Deep Learning specialization from DeepLearning.AI.

jan, 2022

Convolutional Neural Networks

Completed 4th course in Deep Learning specialization from DeepLearning.AI.

dec, 2021

Structuring Machine Learning Projects

Completed 3rd course in Deep Learning specialization from DeepLearning.AI.

nov, 2021

Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization

Completed 2nd course in Deep Learning specialization from DeepLearning.AI.

oct, 2021

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Completed the 1st course from DeepLearning.AI about neural networks.


Master in Computer Science

Graduated Innopolis University. Thesis project was dedicated to the dynamic walking of quadruped robot


Bachelor in Mechatronics and Robotics

Graduated Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Thesis project was dedicated to the development and control of a vertical walking three-link robot

  • The best student of the robotics department (2018)
mar, 2022 - dec, 2022


Computer Vision Engineer / Team Lead
  • Prototype of the system for tracking violations on rails
  • Railroad Simulator, which allowed to save resources on debugging algorithms and providing experiments
  • Sensors selection
  • Models training, datasets aggregation and augmentation with use of ClearML
  • Objects tracking, detection
  • Project management, problem solving, leading a team of 3 specialists
  • Disparity and depth estimation
2021, feb --

Autonomous Technologies Laboratory

Computer Vision Engineer
  • Developed LED computer vision system for UAV day-night landing site position and orientation
  • Contributed to the UAV landing zone detection system for the task of safe autonomous landing
  • Developed a LDWS system (attention). Was responsible for neural network output processing and deployment, software implementation of the algorithm, and camera operation.
  • (Auto)collecting data from sensors, gathering images for the project, etc.
  • Sensor calibration, getting internal and external parameters
  • Realization of 360 * view from cameras (BEV)
  • Sensor fusion
  • Sensors selection for different projects
  • neural networks deployment
  • Model output post-processing
  • 2 RSCI papers, 2 IEEE paper and 1 patent
2019, oct - 2020, nov

Aerobot 2020 Competition

Computer Vision

“Racoon Lab” team.

  • Developed ROS node so drone could follow the line on the ground
  • Designed ROS node so drone could alocate the landing site and remember it in order to return back after completing the mission
  • Winning a competition
2019, jun - 2020, sep

Innopolis University Robotics Lab, Innopolis, Russia


JBL Robotics, Moscow, Russia

Engineering Assistant
  • Developed ROS nodes to control the barista robot
  • Designed the stands for cups and the gripper for the robot
My Skills

Why get in touch?

Below you will see a basic set of skills that I have as a specialist

ROS 1 | 2
Python, C++
OpenCV, TensorRT, PyTorch
ClearML, neural nets training, tuning, and optimization
Classical computer vision techniques
Object tracking, detection and segmentation, etc
Linux, Git, Bash

What Do People Say About Me?

I needed the NN that detects some objects on drone photos and blurs the backdrop. Ilia did it in 2 days and the results are great!

Nikita V. | Jan 05, 2022

Everything was at the highest level. Tasks were done on time, explained and well-structured. (translated)

Vladimir | Dec 19, 2020

Ilya coped twice ahead of schedule. I highly recommend this specialist. (translated)

Ivan | Dec 04, 2020

Ilya is a professional specialist. He quickly and efficiently helped me with the YoloV4 + Human Detection project. (translated)

Vladislav | Nov 30, 2020

Ilya, you are awesome. Telegram bot works like a charm. (translated)

Igor | Nov 25, 2020

Well Done. Highly recommend this specialist. (translated)

Anton | Nov 21, 2020

Everything was fine. Ilya fastly helped me to deploy my project on git. (translated)

Ksenia | Aug 03, 2020

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September 13, 2020
Markdown Formatting Demo